Notary project documentation

The Notary project provides for multiple signatures of an OCI Artifact, including container images, to be persisted in an OCI conformant registry. The Notary project has several components including a collection of requirements and scenarios as well as CLI tools and libraries for implementing those requirements.

Project overview

An overview of the Notary project

Quickstart: Sign and validate a container image

Quickly set up a OCI-based registry and use notation to sign and validate a container image

Installation guides

The collection of guides for installing and using Notary


A set of guides that walks you through using the different capabilities and features of Notary

How-to guides

The collection of guides for configuring and using Notary


The collection of requirements and scenarios that define v2 of the Notary project


Troubleshooting common problems with Notation

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions about Notary

CLI Reference

Reference documentation for notation

Last modified October 6, 2022 : docs: incorporated feedback (07d57e0)